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 World peace is one of the pressing needs and at the same time pressing challenge facing humanity and the world at large. The need for peace in the world today is an issue of both global and local concern. Global leaders, international organizations and the international community worked around the clock and are making concerted efforts in ensuring that the world is at peace. Without peace it is completely impossible for countries to engage in bilateral and multilateral relationships for international trade, business, economic and political engagements for mutual benefits. Peace is a panacea for economic, social and political development of any country, hence the need for a peaceful world cannot be over emphasized. Peace brings countries together and create bond of friendships, unity and cooperation among people of diverse races, religions and cultures. The world need peace more than ever, looking around the world today, there are series of humanitarian crisis and wars going on in some countries of the world.

It's our collective responsibility as a global community to put an end to wars in war torn countries around the world. Wars, conflicts and terrorism does humanity no good, nothing good has ever come out of violence and wars, rather than destruction of lives and properties that leaves indelible scars, pains and trauma's on humanity and victims of wars and conflicts. Wars and crisis are crimes against humanity, it breeds hates and intergenerational disharmony among conflicting countries and her citizens. In troubled countries affected by wars and conflicts, children, women and the aged are the worst hits with hunger and starvation and records high mortality of death rate. Terrorism and transnational crimes births violence, wars, communal conflicts and crimes in the society, and is a stumbling block to a peaceful society. Conflicts and wars are the opposite of peace, and in any conflict zone and war torn countries, the economic, social and political structures of these countries are always in turmoil and infrastructures dismantled. Wars and conflicts hampers economic growth, progress and advancement of any nation. Thus wars and conflicts enhances economic and political instability, economic retrogression and stagnation in all spheres of the society.

So therefore, this goes to show the imperativeness of peace to humanity and the society at large. Taking into cognizance, the devastating effects of wars and conflicts in the society, the middle east crisis calls for serious concern and global attention to the international community. And other pockets of wars and conflicts springing up in Africa and Asia as well calls for international community attention to take decisive actions to put an end to wars and conflicts from around the world. The Syria crisis, Afghanistan crisis, the Palestinian and lsraeli conflicts calls for serious reconciliation and ceasefire to end all hostilities for peace to reign in these two countries. The civil disturbances in Central African Republic (CAR), Mali, Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia etc is a pointer to the fact that Africa as a continent has a lion share of wars and conflicts. And also not forgeting the military genocidal attack on Rohingya from Myanmar which had caused roughly one million Rohingya to flee their homes  to neighbouring country Bangladesh as refugees for safety. Wars, humanitarian crisis and conflicts has caused a lot of havoc and destruction to humanity and l think the world and humanity has had enough of wars and conflicts, so there's every need for all of us in our own little spaces to contribute our own little quota in building blocks of peace through peace education and peace building in our various communities for peace to prevail. If we all can do this, l think we can achieve world peace for a better and safer world for all.

#WorldPeace #GlobalGoals #SDGs #SDG16 #UNDP #UN.

Comrade Enobong Ekwere is a social influencer, blogger, human rights activist, SDGs advocate and a global citizen. He is the program manager of children and young people living for peace (CYPLP) a youth focused and a think-tank non-governmental organization based in Kaduna, Nigeria. He can be reached via: Tel: +2347082558952





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