On 12th December 2012, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) endorsed a resolution urging countries to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage (UHC). The idea that everyone, everywhere should have access to quality, affordable health care, as an essential priority for international development. On 12th December 2017, the united nations proclaimed 12th December as international universal health coverage day (UHC) by resolution (A/RES/ 72/138). This year's theme for 2021 international universal health coverage day (UHC Day) is "leave no one behind when it comes to health: invest in health systems for all". Universal health coverage means every person has access to healthcare when they need it without facing financial hardship. This means people should be able to get services like health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. The international universal health coverage day (UHC) aims to raise awareness of the need for strong and resilient health systems and universal health coverage with multi- stakeholder partners. Each year on 12th December universal health coverage (UHC) advocates raise their voices to share the stories of the millions of people still waiting for health, champion what has been achieved so far, call on leaders to make bigger and smarter investments in health, and encourage diverse groups to make commitments to help move the world closer to universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030.
Everyone, everywhere deserves access to quality essential health services without suffering financial hardship. Universal health coverage day (UHC) is the annual rallying point for advocates to raise their voice and share the stories of the millions of people still waiting for health, call on leaders to make smarter investments in health and remind the world about the imperative of universal health coverage (UHC). Its universal health coverage day, and covid-19 has reached almost everyone, but health coverage still hasn't. Let's change that starting now. Everyone has what they need to lead healthy lives. Let's leave no one behind. We must invest in health systems for all. The covid-19 pandemic emphasized and exacerbated health inequities around the world. World health organization (WHO) calls on governments, donors and global leaders to prioritize HEALTH EQUITY. If we are to prevent future pandemics and achieve health and well-being for all by 2030, we must prioritize equity, investing more in health and allocating resources efficiently and equitably according to need. The pandemic has shown the world that now, more than ever, we need HEALTH FOR ALL. Ending the covid 19 crisis and building a safer and healthier future requires investing in health systems that protect all people, everywhere. Investment in stronger health systems promote and protect economies, businesses, peace, livelihoods, education, gender equality, sustainability and the environment. The health of a nation can be measured by the health of it's people. Every person deserves the right to quality healthcare. We must all support the call towards equity to prevent future pandemics and achieve health for all, LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND.
1.3 billion people globally have significant disability, 1 in 6 people have one form of disability. 80% is the estimated number of persons with disabilities living in low and middle income countries where access to basic health services are especially limited for persons with disabilities. Perons with disabilities experience health inequities in many ways, many of them are likely to die 20 years earlier. Experience poorer health, having more than double the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, stroke or depression. Have more limitations in functioning, for example inaccessible health facilities are up to 6 times more hindering for them. Health inequities arise from unfair conditions that affects persons with disabilities disproportionally. These conditions are part of the socio- economic and political context, social determinants of health risk factors, and health system barriers. Investing in health equity for persons with disabilities means investing in health for all, bringing high dividends to individuals and communities. There could be a US $10 return per US $1 spent on implementing disability inclusive prevention and care for noncommunicable diseases interventions such as family planning and vaccination could be highly cost effective when provided in disability inclusive manner, despite the additional cost required. Achieving SDG3 and the global health priorities of pursuing universal health coverage, preventing and responding to health emergencies and promoting healthier populations for all requires action to address health inequities for persons with disabilities.
Health is a human right for everyone, at every age. Now, more than ever is the time to invest in health systems with a goal to "LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND". The greatest wealth is health, hence health protection is central to decent work (Goal 8) and must be a reality to all. People must be able to access the health care they need, close to where they live, without falling into financial hardship. We must all reaffirm our commitment to sustainable development goal 3 (Good health and well-being) to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being. We must all support health care workers globally who are at the frontline, recalling that 2021 is the international year of healthcare workers bearing in mind their important role as healthcare providers in achieving universal health care coverage.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 100 million people are pushed into poverty each year due to out of pocket healthcare expenses. Currently half the world's population does not have access to universal health coverage. 930 million people globally spend 10% of their annual household income on healthcare costs. The World Health Organization (WHO) is working towards SDG target 3.8 to achieve universal health coverage globally including essential healthcare services, access to safe and affordable medicines and vaccines for all. To achieve SDG target 3.8 of universal health coverage for all by 2030, at least 1 billion more people will need to have access to essential health services in each five year period between 2015 and 2030. A health system that leaves the most vulnerable groups at risk is a health system in crisis, we must prioritize the needs of those most likely to be left behind to build systems that works for all. No one should get sick and die just because they are poor, or because they cannot access the health services they need. Let's collaborate to bridged the gap and achieve health for all. On universal health coverage day 2021, l stand with the global community to reaffirming that everyone, everywhere should be able to access the health care they need. In the words of the late Martin Luther King Jr. ( civil rights activist) he said " Of all the forms of INEQUALITY, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane". In conclusion, health is a human right, yet inequities in access to healthcare persist. On this year's universal health coverage day 2021, and everyday, countries and healthcare providers must ensure free and equal access, to put an end to healthcare discrimination, and ensure a safe and healthy environment for all by 2030.
#GlobalGoals #SDGs #SDG3 #UHCDay2021 #GoodHealthAndWellBeing #HealthForAll #Agenda2030 #SDG2030 #WHO #UNICEF #UNICEFNigeria #UNDP #UNDPNigeria #ECOWAS #AU #UKinNigeria #euinnigeria #UN_Nigeria #EU #UN.
Comrade Enobong Ekwere is a social influencer, blogger, vlogger, human rights activist, SDGs advocate and a global citizen. He is the program manager of children and young people living for peace (CYPLP) Nigeria, an organic, volunteers of experts, youth focused and a think-tank non-governmental organization based in Kaduna State, Nigeria. A Higher National Diploma (HND) graduate of Public Administration (Upper Credit) from the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria. Enobong Ekwere holds a proficiency certificate in management from the Nigerian Institute of Management, Chartered (NIM) Lagos, Nigeria. He is also a graduate member of the institute (Associate member in view). He works with young people in local communities across Nigeria localizing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) (SDG16+ SDG4 and SDG5 in particular) and positive peace frameworks in Nigeria, accelerating action online and offline, engaging duty bearers and policy makers to be accountable for it's implementation by 2030. He is a strong advocate of peace, good governance and democracy, accountability in government, freedom of information, freedom of expression, access to information, free press, social justice and social inclusion. As a youth advocate and a global leader who loves to see social reforms in the society, he uses his personalized blog to write compelling stories on developmental and topical issues on national and global concern that shapes and transform people's lives and impact the larger society for knowledge transfer and lifelong learning. He engages in community service and volunteerism, community outreach, social mobilization and advocacy tours to hard to reach local communities in Nigeria advocating and advancing the cause of the SDGs (SDG16+ SDG4 and SDG5 in particular) so that no community and youth in Kaduna state and Nigeria at large would be left behind. CYPLP as an organization works primarily in serving vulnerable population of children, youth, elderly persons, persons with disabilities (PWD's) and women in unserved, underserved, underrepresented, disadvantaged and marginalized local communities in Nigeria.
My areas of competence in peace education and peace building process includes;
1. Conflict mapping, sensitivity and analysis
2. Negotiation, mediation and reconciliation
3. Interreligious and intercultural dialogue
4. Protection of civilians
5. Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR)
6. Security sector reforms (SSR)
7. Mainstreaming gender in peace keeping
8. Mainstreaming gender in peace and state building
9. Crisis management/resolution
10. Media and conflict
11. Conflict and natural resources
12. Conflict prevention
13. Peace support operations (PSOs)
14. Post- conflict reconstruction and development
15. Humanitarian action
16. Transnational organized crime
17. Piracy and maritime security
18. Preventing violent extremism (PVE) etc.
Enobong Ekwere has an extensive professional working experience in projects such as;
1. PRELT (Prevention of radicalization and extremism leading to terrorism)
2. BRAVE (Building resilience against violent extremism)
3. iDOVE (Interfaith dialogue on violent extremism) in local communities across Kaduna state and Nigeria at large.
I have initiated two projects to counter religious and violent extremism among the youths in local communities in Nigeria, and one empowerment program, these are;
1. CAARE ( Countering Attitudes Against Religious Extremism)
2. CAAVE (Countering Attitudes Against Violent Extremism)
3. NEET (Not in Education, Empowerment or Training) an empowerment training program aimed at training vulnerable population of young people in local communities in Nigeria with leadership skills, entrepreneurial and vocational skills acquisition.
He can be reached via:
Tel: +2347082558952
Email: julyenobong2020@gmail.com
: enobongekwere825@gmail.com
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