APRIL IS SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH (SAAM) 2024. The theme for this year's Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024 is: "Building Connected Communities". Building connected communities helps us reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in our communities. Sexual Assault Awareness Month is an opportunity to listen to and honour survivors in our community. It is a time to show those who have been impacted by sexual violence that they are not alone. It is also an opportunity to learn more about what sexual violence in the digital age looks like. #SAAM2024 #endsexualassault #Whonigeria #whoafrica #who #unfpanigeria #unfpaafrica #UNFPA #SpotlightInitiative #unwomennigeria #UNWomen #unnigeria #UnitedNations #UnitedNationsHumanRights #UnitedNationsHumanRightsCouncil. BRIEF PERSONAL PROFILE OF ENOBONG EKWERE - SOCIAL ACTIVIST/ DEVELOPMENT EXPERT IN NIGERIA. Comrade Enobong Ekwere is a social influencer, blogger, vlogger, environmental/ human rights activist,...