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Showing posts from June, 2023


In July 2021, the United Nations General Assembly highlighted global concerns over "the exponential spread and proliferation of hate speech" around the world and adopted a resolution (A/RES/75/309) on "promoting inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue and tolerance in countering hate speech". The resolution recognizes the need to counter discrimination, xenophobia and hate speech and calls on all relevant actors, including states, to increase their efforts to address this phenomenon, in line with international human rights law. The resolution proclaimed 18th June as the lnternational Day for Countering Hate Speech, building on the United Nations strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech launched on 18th June 2019. To observe the day, the United Nations invites governments, international organizations, civil society groups, and individuals to hold events and initiatives promoting strategies to identify, address and counter hate speech.   BRIEF PERSONAL PROFILE O...


The United Nations General Assembly adopted 21st December 2016 in its resolution (A/RES/71/246) and designated 18th June as an international observance, Sustainable Gastronomy Day. The decision acknowledges gastronomy as a cultural expression related to the natural and cultural diversity of the world. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the United Nations General Assembly work to facilitate the observance of Sustainable Gastronomy Day, in collaboration with member states, United Nations Organizations and other international and regional bodies, as well as civil society, to observe the day in raising public awareness of its contribution to sustainable development. The theme for this year's Sustainable Gastronomy Day 2023 is: "Local Flavours, Preserving Global Heritage".   BRIEF PERSONAL PROFILE OF ENOBONG EKWERE - SOCIAL ACTIVIST/ DEVELOPMENT EXPERT IN NIGERIA. Comrade Enobong Ekw...


World Food Safety Day is celebrated annually on June 7th to raise awareness about the importance of food safety and to promote actions to prevent, detect, and manage food borne risks. The day highlights the critical role that food safety plays in ensuring that everyone has access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food. World Food Safety Day was established in December 2018 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution (A/RES/73/250), following a joint proposal by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The day was created to underscore the necessity of food safety in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially those related to health, hunger, and sustainable agriculture. The first observance of World Food Safety Day took place on June 7th, 2019. #WorldFoodSafetyDay #foodsafety #SDG2 #SDG2ZeroHunger #SDG3 #SDG3goodhealthandwellbeing #GlobalGoals #SDGs #SDGsAdvocate #SDGsInAction #sdgs2030 #LeaveNoOneBehind #Lea...